Tech Talk with Gus 032 - w/Special Guest: Kirk Kerr

On today’s episode special guest Kirk Kerr visits the Tech Talk studio and brings his BLE Robot to show us.


Nice bot! What’s Kirk’s handle?

Ah the Cerb40 Lives!

It was really nice to be there… Meeting all the guys: The 3G’s (Gus, Gary, and Greg), along with John (really quiet), Dat, and rest of the GHI gang, was an awesome experience. If you are ever in Michigan, look them up as they are one of the hidden wonders here ;D. One of the coolest thing they have there is the slurpee machine.

Though not as cool as Ian’s C.A.T.T, this robot was really a cool build. It initially started out on the FEZ board running the first preview of TinyCLR, then onto a RPI running Win10 IoT Core, then back to the FEZ board this time running third preview of TinyCLR OS. I’ll will be sharing the source code along with the BoM for this.


@ kirklynk - Cool project. Can you compare and contrast your dev experience with TCLR and WinIOT ?

@ Terrence - Windows 10 IoT core and TinyCLR OS are both awesome platforms, each having specific its own advantages and disadvantages. I love Windows 10 Iot Core as it is somewhat a full fledge OS and you can create more complex UX applications with it when in Headed mode. In headless mode, for me it is no different than the TinyCLR OS and it that case I prefer TinyCLR over it as I would not put Win10 IoT core into a pacemaker (sloooow startup time when compared to TinyCLR).

Now with that being said, the development approach is very similar between the two when developing for headless mode in Win10 IoT core one entry point. I have create more complex UI using Prism, Syncfusion Developer controls, and the Windows 10 toolkit control for applications that I have created for my RPI 2 and 3. I do love them both.


Valid points and we also need to remember that TinyCLR is still preview, not even beta yet.

That is my biggest issue with Win10 IoT on the Pi3. I like the development environment but the slow bootup time is a killer.

Debian on the same board is up and running in less than 30 seconds on my Pi3 and all the services are running in under 1 min from power on.

As promised, the code and parts list associated with this build is found here [url][/url]. Will move to codeshare sometime later.