Second TinyCLR 1.0 preview

Today we’re happy to announce the second preview for the first release of TinyCLR OS – and that we’ve implemented all the features we plan to for 1.0! We are still on track to have TinyCLR in your hands and running on commercial devices before the end of the year. Any further previews will be all about fixing bugs and improving stability.

This release has several usability and bug fixes that should make working with TinyCLR even easier – from graphics on small devices to a further improved SPI. Low memory devices should now perform better and have a bit more space in their heap. There’s a new bootloader for the UC5550 too. Take a look at the release notes for full details.

The libraries continue to be uploaded to so you can update your projects without having to use your local feed! Make sure to check the Include Prerelease box in the package manager. We’ve also uploaded the Visual Studio project system extension to the Visual Studio Marketplace, so you’ll be able to keep that up to date without manually installing anything going forward as well.

Get started with TinyCLR OS: Getting Started
TinyCLR OS Downloads: Downloads
TinyCLR OS Release Notes: Release Notes


A new constant appears in Device.h on TinyClr-Port repo: DEVICE_MEMORY_PROFILE_FACTOR.
What does it mean ?
I need it to add netduino3 and Electron 1.1 to repo.

When build EMX firmware I Don’t have any issue, but when I upload it on board, board can’t be recognized after that (error 43). Cerberus is working fine. Maybe a trouble with USB functions ?


This constant defines how much memory the core interpreter can utilize. More memory means higher maximum thread count and deeper stack for example. For smaller devices, copy what we do for FEZ.


We just rebuild and looks good to us. Can you upload older version of TinyCLR that you believe that it worked too see the board still function?

@Dat_Tran: It is working: I was using Visual Studio ARM compiler, I retest with GNU ARM Embedded 7 2018 q2 and all is fine.
Maybe compiler bug ?

I don’t think it is compiler bug, but the library was compiling by GNU ARM Embedded, so highly recommended the ports should use same.

@Dat_Tran: I just tried : both compiler return different outputs.When I said ‘bug’, I don’t have used right word, I would say difference. And it seems to be case.

Now I would always use same compiler.

I haven’t been here in 4 or 5 months… its good to check in and see that 1.0 is almost ready!

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Hi John,

Is there a list of the currently-supported features in TinyCLR? The release notes for this version mention quite a few fixes for USB client, for example, but the Suppported Devices page still shows USB client as not supported or future depending on the device.

I am looking at starting to port our G120-based NetMF project to TinyCLR, but we use USB host and IFU for example. It would be good to know which features I can get working now, and a rough idea of how long to wait before we can do the rest. Just the CAN parts will be an interesting start, to see how performance compares between the 2 versions!



We don’t yet have a complete list of what is available, but we are planning on one for the final 1.0 release.

The USB client mentioned in the release notes specifically refers to the HAL driver that is used by the debugger. There are no managed hooks today. USB host and IFU are similarly not implemented yet, though CAN is. has been updated and gives a rough outline of our plan for post 1.0 and what features to expect when.

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Thanks John,

Appreciate the swift feedback and website update :slight_smile:



For our requirements we would need Version 1.1 features, specifically IFU and USB client. Ideally the G400 would support USB high speed mode.

All the best in your efforts to deliver a stable TinyCLR.
