New toys for big boys

Missus and kids will have to fend for themselves this weekend as daddy has a new PnP :grin:

Caps in the tape are 0402


So this is what #Envy feels like.

The shoes on the right of the first picture, is that the missus?

Poor Carmen !

First test :slight_smile:


@Justin - That’s a serious looking machine…

LQFP144 and TSOP54 test

passes. it’s a keeper


@Justin, Now all you need is a chip shooter.

Very impressive but might be a few dollars more than I can afford :joy:

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Someday though. You never know.

I could watch that for hours!

Uh…hello…at which end does the coffee come out? >insert coffee cup emoji here<

this is about what I could afford :frowning:

These stock image models couldn’t even afford heat resistant gloves:

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they were so tough they didn’t even need to afford them ! Not a grimace shown, at all. (I love how these have done the rounds of the interwebs a couple of times, they are aa great example of the unwashed knowing nothing about what we do… who uses safety glasses ! :smile: )