How this is changing the way you think!

My order shows back ordered, showed a dozen or so over last weekend… is anyone’s order being marked as shipped?

Same for me, backordered :disappointed:

I just received an email from Mouser saying that both the FEZ wireless and BrainPad2 have been recalled by GHI.

My order of 2 was cancelled

No reason given.

Sorry about that. We are fixing it. See New BrainPad Recalled?

I just received my FEZ.:monkey::joy:

Update firmware to : passed
Hello World : passed


The Fez Fez?

the one and only. :smile:

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Guess what I’ve received this morning ? :mailbox_with_mail: Guess who will play with Wifi soon ? :wink:


Is it possible to use External Antenna?

I don’t think so.

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